Disruptive Cooperation In Digital Health

Disruptive Cooperation In Digital Health

Pages: 175

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Year of Publication: 2016

Author(s) : Jody Ranck

Book Description:

This clear-sighted volume introduces the concept of “disruptive cooperation”— transformative partnerships between the health and technology sectors to eliminate widespread healthcare problems such as inequities, waste, and inappropriate care. Emphasizing the most pressing issues of a world growing older with long-term chronic illness, it unveils a new framework for personalized, integrative service based in mobile technologies. Coverage analyzes social aspects of illness and health, clinically robust uses of health data, and wireless and wearable applications in intervention, prevention, and health promotion. And case studies from digital health innovators illustrate opportunities for coordinating the service delivery, business, research/science, and policy sectors to promote healthier aging worldwide.
